
Authors pov

In the room, a large projector displayed a picture on the wall.

A man of middle age, while drinking alcohol, addressed a 30-year-old man standing beside him.

"Ranvijay, we need to take down this 'ig'in two moves," he said while scolding him.

"But, Randhir sir, what threat does this woman pose? She seems weak," a man standing nearby asked.

Randhir pointed his finger towards the projector and said, "This is no ordinary woman. She's the Inspector General of Lucknow City, and unfortunately, her information sources are so strong that she already knows about our plan. I won't let my plan be ruined because of her. You need to control her," he said angrily, taking a sip of his drink.

"What should we do, baba?" Ranvijay asked.

"Do whatever it takes to ensure she doesn't interfere with our plan. The destruction of Lucknow City is my dream, and I won't rest until I've ruined that city and make the government bow down to me," he replied.

"But chief, why do you want to destroy Lucknow?" Taha asked while looking at the projected photo.

"You know, Taha, I used to be a RAW agent, and I loved my country. But I loved my wife more than my country. I enjoyed my job, but during a mission in Cuba, I was captured and endured months of torture in hell. I remained calm because I hadn't betrayed my country, nor had I revealed a crucial secret," he said, pouring himself another drink.

"But when I escaped, I discovered that the people of the my country I suffered for had..." He paused, "Well, my son and I have a purpose now – to destroy Lucknow and the Indian government. And because I owe you a debt, you will assist Ranvijay in this mission without question, understood?" he said firmly.

"Yes, chief," Taha nodded.

"We need to find the weak link in daneen Malik so that she stay out of our way," Ranvijay said.

"And in the world, there's no greater weakness than family," Randhir smirked.

"Yes, chief, we'll gather information about their entire family today, and we'll make the one closest to her our pawn," Taha said, looking towards Ranvijay.


2 days later

India is my father's country, and Lucknow is my father's city. Even though I live far away from this place, I have learned that no matter where you are in the world, your country always lives within you. Rubab thought in her mind.

Golden childhood memories...

No, Rubab, don't cry, or else Mamu will bring you back from the airport. She waved her hand, considering herself.

"Rubab..". as soon as she exited the airport, Rubab heard a voice in her ear, and when she turned right, it was as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

On the right, she was standing with some officers, and on the officer's placard, her name "Rubab" was written in bold red letters.

"Phupho"... Rubab ran to her without wasting time and hugged her tightly.

Daneen enveloped her in her arms, kissing her cheeks several times on her cheeks, just like baby.

"Auntie, how are you?" She asked, looking into her eyes.

Tears filled Daneen's eyes, and Rubab's too.

"Alright, don't cry now, okay?" Rubab asked, wiping her tears.

"Yes, my dear... "Daneen said, wiping Rubab's tears.

Daneen was as usual in her police uniform, her hair tied back, and four stars shining separately on her shoulders. Rubab was in black pants, a white shirt, and a black overcoat. Her honey brown hair fell below her waist, and her complexion was as beautiful as milk, as if she had descended from the heavens.

"Welcome, Rubab Bibi," the officers standing there said.

"Thank you," she replied with a smile.

"Let's go home," Daneen said, gesturing towards the parking lot.

"But, Mamu..". Rubab said in a disappointed tone.

"I've already spoken to Abraham, and he'll take Sunidhi and the kids straight to the Malik villa..." Daneen explained.

"Why didn't they tell me?" Rubab asked in confusion.

"Because they told me. Now, come on, before we waste 2 hours in Lucknow's traffic..."Daneen said with a laugh, and both of them got into the car to go to Daneen's apartment.

After reaching the apartment, they had breakfast and chatted for a long time. In the Malik family, after the incident with Anam, no one talked to Daneen. She was leading a lonely life, but Rubab, who is Shameer's daughter, is dearer to Daneen more than life itself, so no one has any complaints about Rubab and Daneen being together.

When Abraham and Sunidhi arrived at the Malik villa, the atmosphere was filled with joy.

"Bhai... Assalamualaikum," Anam hugged Abraham and greeted him.

"Walaikum assalam," he replied and kissed his sister's forehead.

Dishaan and the others greeted each other.

At that moment, Khirat asked in surprise, "Sunidhi, where is Rubab?"

"Um... Khirat, Rubab..."

Rubab is with Daneen," Abraham replied, giving an answer.

Everyone was surprised, but no one said anything in front of Abraham, and they pretended to be happy.

Abraham had called Daneen himself to pick up Rubab because he knew that Daneen would never do anything wrong with Rubab, as she is Shameer's last legacy. And they both are too close to each other.


"Ranvijay..." David showed him some pictures and said,

As he looked at the pictures scattered on the table, Ranvijay seemed lost.

"Ranvijay..." This time, David said in a loud voice,

"Yes, yes... Who is this girl, David?" He asked without taking his eyes off the pictures.

"Our pawn...," a man from behind said.

"Pawn?" Ranvijay raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"This morning, Daneen Malik went to pick up this girl from the airport. That's when our guy took these photos and sent them to us. Looking at these photos, he said,"

"Meaning?" Taha asked.

"According to our source, this girl is the only daughter of Daneen's deceased brother, Shameer Malik. Daneen's weakness..."

Upon hearing this, Ranvijay emerged from the whirlwind of Rubab's beauty and said to Taha,

"I need this girl no matter what. She can save Baba's plan from being ruined now."

"But Ranvijay, we need more details. We can't just kidnap someone with incomplete information," Taha tried to explain.

In anger, Ranvijay showed his palm to Taha and said, "This girl is special to Daneen Malik, and I must capture her weak pulse at this moment. Prepare the plan; we will kidnap her soon, and then Daneen Malik will beg at Baba's feet and step back."

Taha shook his head, reluctant. For the first time, he looked closely at the scattered pictures on the table as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

In black pants and an overcoat, the beautiful and innocent girl had a more bewitching and innocent face than he had ever seen. For the first time, he felt strange emotions stirring inside him, which he couldn't understand himself.

"No, Taha, focus on your work, follow the chief's orders. She's our enemy's relative," Taha told himself, shaking his head, and took a sip of the drink in the glass.


"Here, Rubab was spending happy moments with her dear Aunt Anam and her daughter, unaware of the upcoming earthquake in her life.

wondered what fate had in store for this delicate girl.

Rubab, meet Badi Ammi too," Khirat said with a complaining tone.

"Badi Ammi... Assalamualaikum," she greeted Khirat while hugging her.

In the evening, when Daneen had to go to the station for urgent work, she left Rubab at Malik Villa.

"Walaikum assalam, Badi Ammi's princess. Mashallah, how big you've become," Khirat said, kissing Rubab's forehead.

"Like you Badi Ammi. By the way, where are Shanaya Aapi, Danish Bhai, and Shoaib Bhai?" she asked while sitting on the couch with Khirat.

On the wall of the room, there was a large portrait from Rubab's childhood that covered the entire wall. The three of them were sitting in the living area at the moment.

"Oh, Rubab, you haven't changed at all," Khirat said with a smile.

"Tell me, Badi Ammi," she asked again.

"Danish and Shoaib have gone to Kashmir for a few days for some work," Khirat replied.

"And Shanaya, you should know that since she developed an interest in fashion designing, she doesn't mention returning from Mumbai. But don't worry; I've told her that you're coming. She'll be in Lucknow as soon as she get off the flight," she added happily.

"O..." Rubab replied, and then Anam, Rubab, Khirat, and, a while later, Sunidhi joined them, and all the women got lost in their discussions."


On the other hand, at night, Taha and Ranvijay went to a nearby brothel to relieve their fatigue from the day's work. Each of them took a girl to their respective rooms. Adorned in green blouses and lehengas, Taha sat with the girl on his lap and began caressing her. He was a frequent visitor to this brothel, and every woman there was familiar with him.

Gradually, the woman started removing her clothes, and in no time, she was sitting partially naked in his lap. She had both her hands wrapped around Taha's shoulders, and she was kissing his cheeks. However, Taha's mind and heart were elsewhere; Rubab's innocent face kept appearing in his thoughts. He couldn't understand his own feelings and, frustrated, suddenly stood up, causing the woman to fall to the ground with a painful moan.

Despite his high desires, he left that place without doing anything, and in his anger, he started driving. He didn't feel the need to explain anything to Ranvijay; he was too furious.

He was angry with himself, as he had been involved with many women before, so why today, even when faced with a half-naked woman, did he walk away without doing anything? Rubab's beautiful face haunted his thoughts, intensifying his anger.

He picked up a bottle of alcohol from the car seat and started drinking in anger, but his temper remained unchanged. Suddenly, a strange yearning to see Rubab grew in his heart.

He quickly fumbled for his phone with trembling fingers and dialed David's number. After three rings, David answered.

"Tell me, Taha," he said.

"I need the address of Daneen Malik's house," Taha said impatiently.

Without asking any questions, David sent him the address via message. As soon as he heard the message tone on his phone, Taha opened it and steered the car in the direction of Daneen's house.

In a drunken stupor, he stood a little distance from Daneen's apartment. His eyes had turned pink from the alcohol, his hair was disheveled, and his neck and forehead were soaked in sweat.

He slowly took hesitant steps, yearning to see Rubab, but upon seeing someone, he became completely intoxicated and numb.


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"With a mind full of imagination, I share my stories freely, unburdened by expectations. Having found men in my life to be disappointing, I now reserve my love for fictional characters, unencumbered by the disappointments of reality."

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