No choice

Taha's pov

"Ranvijay, I need to talk to you..."

"Why do you want to talk so early in the morning?" He asked with a playful tone while putting on his shirt.

"We need to change this plan."I said without thinking.

A look of question appeared on Ranvijay's face as he raised his right eyebrow and asked me, "What do you mean we need to change, Taha?"

"I mean, we can't kidnap that girl. There are other ways to save the chief's plan,"I tried to explain.

"Tsk tsk tsk, oh Taha, if that's the case, tell me one alternative besides kidnapping," he said in a mocking tone.

I fell silent, not knowing any other way, but I won't kidnap Rubab.

I had seen how Ranvijay was looking at her picture with such contempt, but what could I do in the end?

"Look, Taha, if you won't do it, I'll kidnap her and make Daneen Malik bend to our will," he said, buttoning his shirt.

Trying to control my anger, I made one last attempt.

"Ranvijay, we can also kidnap Daneen Malik. She won't be in the department that day, so how will she reveal our plan to everyone?"I said with hopeful eyes.

"Good answer, but you know what, Taha? I'm more interested in Rubab Malik. Haven't you seen how beautiful she is? My plan to kidnap Rubab won't fail, and we'll have some fun with that beautiful angel," he said in a lustful tone, and my anger reached its peak.

No one has the right to touch her except me... I gritted my teeth in anger.

And after a long silence, I said,

"She looks quite young, Ranvijay, how can you even think of such a thing?" I couldn't hide the anger in my tone.

"Oh, that's even better. It'll be so much fun when I show her my version of paradise right here in this world. Ahh, just thinking about it got my member up. Look,"he gestured in a vulgar way, and my anger soared.

My heart wanted to place the table I had in front of me on his head, but I was helpless. So, without saying anything, as I started to leave the room, I heard Ranvijay's voice again.

"Oh, don't be angry, my friend. You can also have fun with her. We've come here to share things in our youth," and he started laughing.

Without saying anything, I slammed the door hard and left.


Authors pov

On 14/11, according to my intelligence source, Randhir Khurana is planning a terrorist attack at the British Residency.

"What do you want to say, Daneen? Randhir Khurana was a capable RAW agent from our country; why would he do such a thing?" Shahjaha looked at Daneen with regret in her eyes.

And she continued, "You can write it down, Daneen. Ashok Lamba will say the same, and the next day, you'll be transferred."

"But, Bhabhi, on that day, there will be 30,000 innocent children present. Should I let them die in Khurana's personal vendetta?" Khirat, troubled, said to Shahjaha.

"Look, Daneen, we still have time until the 14th. We will definitely do something, but we won't give this information to Ashok Lamba. Be patient for a few days. I'll go to Delhi to speak to the Home Minister," Shahjaha said, and Daneen breathed a sigh of relief. Due to her involvement in government affairs, talking to the Home Minister wasn't a big deal for Shahjaha.

"Badi Ammi..." They both looked at Rubab upon hearing her voice.

Shahjaha went to her and embraced her with love, saying, "Rubab, my child."

"Why are you here so early?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes, Khirat Bhabhi told me you were at Daneen's place, so I came to visit," she replied with affection.

"So, what's the plan for today, where are you going?" Shahjaha asked Rubab while sipping her tea.

"I don't know, Badi Ammi. Mamu lets me go out without bodyguards sometimes," she said with a hint of disappointment, her shoulders slumped.

Upon hearing Abraham's name, Daneen fell silent. After all, who can forget their first love?

"My dear, when will your Badi Ammi be free? Let's make plans to go out this evening," Shahjaha suggested.

"Really?" She asked with excitement.



In the evening, when Rubab went out for a stroll with Shahjaha, I couldn't join them due to some work.

In her green silk plain suit, she looked exceptionally beautiful, always wearing her dupatta on her head. The cool breeze surrounded Lucknow, enclosing it in a royal atmosphere. Laughing with Shahjaha, she kept adjusting her scarf from the wind, her green eyes, brown hair, and milky white skin colour catching everyone's attention.

Every passing guy stared at her, while envy filled the eyes of the girls. In the crowded City Mall parking, two blue eyes were fixated on her, unnoticed by her.

Taha's pov

Suddenly, my phone rang in the evening, indicating that the innocent green-eyed girl was near my location. I had secretly placed a tracking chip on her phone before leaving.

Knowing Ranvijay wouldn't listen, I used the tracker to be ahead of him. Hiding behind a pillar in the parking, my eyes were compelled to admire her beauty, and memories of the previous night made me aroused.

Listening to some guys' conversation, I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I was blushing like a teenager.

"Man, she's so beautiful. I'd sell my dad's property just to spend a night with her," a guy in a blue T-shirt joked.And I see Red, how dare he,

Suddenly, a guy in front slapped him hard, questioning, "How dare you talk about her like that? Do you even know who you're talking about?" He seemed angry, as if he knew Rubab.

"Have some decency! If you ever think of something like that about Rubab or any girl, I'll bury you alive," he sternly warned.

"Wait, Rubab? Does this guy really know Rubab? His anger suggests they might be close relatives..."

"Do you know this girl?" the guy asked in surprise.

"Yeah, she's Daneen Malik's niece," he replied, looking at Rubab.

"But how do you know?" the guy questioned.

"I've known her since childhood; our apartments are next to each other. She was 5 when I first met her," he explained, and they both left.

Lost in their conversation, I didn't realize when Rubab left, but her location still showed nearby.

My phone rang again with the chief's call. "Tonight, we need to kidnap that girl," he ordered.

"But chief, right now?"

"Yes, right now. If you can't handle it, I'll inform Ranvijay," he threatened.

Hearing Ranvijay's name, I swore never to let him near Rubab. "Alright, chief, it'll be done."

I followed her  location, near Burger King, my eyes caught Rubab sitting with a 40-year-old woman. Every guy there couldn't stop staring at her, making my blood boil. Who comes to a mall so dolled up? I wondered.

Focus,TahA ,you gotta kidnap her, then hand her over to the chief and return to the Afghan-Pakistan border where your camp is.

But if Ranvijay does anything to her after I leave... No, he can't. The chief is a man of his word; he'll only blackmail Daneen.

Later, Rubab got up and started walking. I followed her without her noticing.

Doesn't she realize I'm tailing her? How can she be so clueless?

She entered the women's restroom. No, bad idea. Cameras everywhere; can't kidnap her here. Frustrated, I clenched my fist and left.

Rubab's pov

At 10 pm, Badi Ammi dropped me off, and left for Malik vila.

I walked in to see Phupho hurriedly putting on her uniform.

"Phupho? Everything okay? Uniform at this hour?" I asked in confusion.

"Meri jaan, a police officer's schedule is unpredictable. When duty calls, you go."She kissed my forehead.

"I might be late. Should I drop you at Malik Vila?"She asked while putting on her belt.

"No, Phupho, I'm fine here. Mamu allowed me to stay with you with difficulty." I said, sitting on the couch.

"My dear, I'll be back soon. Take care."

"Yes, Phupho..."

She left, locking the door behind her.

Taking a deep breath, I got up and went for a quick refreshing bath in my room.

Taha's pov

Arriving at Daneen's house, her car was missing. Angry, I looked towards Rubab's room, where the light was on. Is she alone now? My job just got easier.

Like yesterday, I climbed in through the window using a pole.

But she wasn't in the room. I quickly hid behind the same wall, peeking through the small holes.

As the door opened, what I saw was something I probably shouldn't have.

Rubab emerged with only a black towel around her body. Water droplets were falling from her face, neck, and shoulders.

I closed my eyes, trying to control myself, but opening them immediately regretted it.

No towel on her body now; her long hair covered her, acting as a makeshift cover.

Lifting her shirt from the bed, her left globe exposed  as she flip her hair back, and I felt something stir in my pants.

Not now, please. I scolded myself in frustration.

Girl, is this how you change clothes?

I turned to face the wall infront of me , not because I am saint aur some good man but because if I saw her ravishing body for more than this, i will surely commit something we both regret.

After a while, she was in a green silk night suit, combing her hair.

Before Daneen arrived, I need to take her from here, I thought. Slowly, I stood up, took out a handkerchief with a sedative, and approached.

Gradually nearing her, with her back turned, she suddenly turned, her legs wobbling.

She was about to scream, but before she could, I placed the handkerchief on her nose, and within seconds, she fell unconscious in my arms


My eyes assessed her limp body and face.

Crazy girl, not wearing bra again. I picked her up, holding securely.


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