
Taniya's pov

When he said, "No one comes alive from Abraham Ahmad's dungeon," it feels like my heart is thrown into a pool of burning lava.

"No, Bhai can't die. I don't want to be an orphan again."

"Shoaib, please take me to Abraham's dungeon," I plead, but my voice betrays me.

"It's not possible, Taniya. We are here in Reyhanli," he said, looking at me.

"Please take me to my brother, Shoaib," I plead, but my words freeze on my tongue, realizing no one is here to look after Baba Jaan, and he is also in serious condition.

"Listen, calm down. I'll take you to Istanbul once your relative is fine," he said, looking at the operation theater.

I nod, gulping.

"Come with me and change into something comfortable," he said, standing up.

I stare at him, questions in my eyes.

"Shahram and Afshaan are coming to look after your relatives. You need to change, Taniya. People are staring at you," he said, breaking my chain of thoughts.

But where would I go with him? My home is turned into a battleground with dead bodies and blood everywhere.

"I'll take you to your home first to grab your clothes, then we'll go to my hotel room," he said, looking into my eyes.

"But..." I was about to say, but he cut me off.

"You can change there if you could tolerate the blood and dead bodies everywhere," he said, taking a deep breath.

"Chachu," we both turn hearing the voice of Afshaan.

Shahram and Afshaan are coming towards us.

"Is everything fine?" Shoaib asked, looking at their pale faces.

"Nothing is fine, Chachu. Rubab had a panic attack, and she hasn't opened her eyes till now," he informed with pain.

My heart hurts hearing him. No bhabhi, please, at least you don't leave me all alone to face this tragedy, I plead in my mind.

"And... he stammers, looking towards me."

"And?" Shoaib asked.

"And Baba takes Taha with him, and Dishaan phupha and Baba beat him so brutally that he has been unconscious for the past 7 hours. It's Shahram who explains."

"What? Please take me to my brother! Please, I will beg your father for my brother's life," I said, desperation clear in my voice.

"Taniya... calm down. We are 1200 km away from your brother right now," Afshaan said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

But my only concern right now is my brother.

"What do you mean?" I asked in disbelief.

"Taniya aapi, calm down. I'll arrange tickets for you two to go to Istanbul. We'll look after your relative," Shahram said, grabbing my hands.

"And trust me, Baba can't kill him because he is Rubab's husband," he comforts me.

I nodded, gathering all my strength to be strong.

"Let's go," it was Shoaib who grabbed my hand and started taking me out of the hospital, or more like dragging me because my mind is numb and his hold on my wrist is way too tight.

Upon reaching my home eyes filled with a pool of tears. My mind was so numb to think about anything nor i know how we reached here.

Seeing all those decorations, my heart bled.

Some turned into ashes, while some still adorned the walls and stairs of my home.

Blood was everywhere, as were dead bodies.

My soul was pierced upon seeing the lifeless body of my beloved lover, Navruz.

Those monsters killed him and didn't even bother to give his body to his family members for his funeral.

Wait where is his family? Did they kill them too?

I freed my hand from Shoaib's hold and, i didn't even know he was holding and with heavy steps, walked towards Navruz's body.

My body slid on the floor near his lifeless form, tears continuously flowing from my eyes.

I couldn't believe my happiest day had turned into my biggest nightmare.

I took his head and pressed it against my chest, crying my heart out.

I knew he was gone forever and would never wake up, but I just wanted to bid him goodbye by pouring out all my emotions.

I didn't know how much time passed as I cried, holding his dead body.

All those happy moments played in front of my eyes, and I shut them tightly.

Then, my gaze fell on my henna-clad palm where his name was written, and more tears filled my eyes.

I couldn't explain the pain I was suffering.

My Baba was battling for his life in the ICU,my brother—my only relation—was held captive by Abraham Ahmad, and here I was, crying my heart out with the bloodied head  and lifeless body of my lover pressed to my chest.

I was lost in my sorrow when Shoaib's voice reached my ears.

"If you're done mourning over him, shall we go?" he said, his voice sounding angry.

Why was he angry?

Before I could understand anything, he walked towards me, held me by my forearm, and pulled me up, causing Navruz's lifeless body to fall to the floor with a thud.

He dragged me towards the exit of my house, my eyes still fixed on Navruz's body.


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