Marry her

Authors pov

"24 hours later,

Rubab lay on the bed. Tear marks were visible on her cheeks, and her pale face was soaked with tears and sweat.

"Why couldn't I forget what happened today, even if I wanted to?" Taha clenched his fist in anger and approached Rubab.

Sitting beside her, Taha's eyes fell on Rubab's neck, marked with bite scars. He closed his eyes to control his own anger, as event of day hit his brain

According to the deal, Taha was supposed to hand over Rubab to Randhir Khurana and leave for his camp, but then he heard some noises.

He moved forward and saw the source of the sounds. Despite not wanting to, he found himself standing in front of a closed door.

The door was shut, but the sounds of screaming and crying were unmistakable.

Unable to resist, he went closer, and the voices became clearer. Against his will, he stood in front of a door, where screams and cries were vivid.

Unable to comprehend, he froze upon hearing Ranvijay's voice. 'You're so eager to save your aunt and the this fucking country, aren't you? She's a great patriot, right? But how will she save you?' Ranvijay said with a mocking laugh.

'Please let me go,' Rubab's trembling voice made Taha's blood boil.

Without hesitation, he kicked the door open, and it seemed as if the ground had slipped beneath him.

On the bed, Rubab tried to push away Ranvijay, who was shirtless and trying to kiss her.

Hearing the door, Ranvijay glanced, weakening his grip on Rubab. Taking advantage, she quickly stood up and ran to Taha, embracing him tightly as she cried.

As Rubab clung to Taha, his heart skipped a beat for a moment, strange emotions of possessiveness arose in him, something he had never felt before.

'Please... save me,' Rubab pleaded, clinging to Taha.

Taha, gently stroking Rubab's head, looked at Ranvijay, who was glaring at Rubab in anger.

'Taha, return this girl. Today, she will suffer the consequences of her aunt's actions,' Ranvijay said, reaching out towards Taha.

'Please... no,' Rubab sobbed, shaking her head, gripping Taha's shirt with all her strength.

Taha slowly moved Rubab away from him, and turning his back, he approached Ranvijay and landed a powerful punch on his face.

'Aahhh,' Ranvijay groaned in pain. 'You've gone mad,' he said angrily, trying to raise his hand to hit Taha, but Taha stopped him.

And with a kick to a place where the sun doesn't shine, Ranvijay writhed in pain on the floor.

'How dare you touch her,' Taha yelled, kicking him with rage.

Ranvijay was in agony.

In anger, Taha picked up a table from the room and hit Ranvijay with it.

Ranvijay cried out in pain as blood started oozing from his head and hands, where the broken glass shards had pierced.

Turning around, Taha saw Rubab standing in a corner, visibly scared, tears streaming down her eyes.

Seeing her condition, guilt filled Taha's heart. That's when he decided to take Rubab with him to the camp.

'Shh... everything's fine. We need to leave here before someone sees us,' Taha said, looking at Ranvijay and then approaching Rubab.

She nodded, still crying."


It's been 24 hours, Abraham, I need my Rubab back. Sunidhi said tearfully, thumping Abraham's chest.

Shhh... Rubab will be with us soon; let's pray to Allah. Everything will be alright. Khirat reassured, Sunidhi crying against Abraham's chest.

Sunidhi, embracing Abraham's chest, began to cry silently.

Be patient, my wife. Nothing will happen to my Rubab. She will be with us soon. Abraham comforted her, gently stroking her head.

Meanwhile, like madmen, the police were conducting searches and checkpoints in every corner of the city to find Rubab, daneen order whole Lucknow force to find her niece.

When she returned from duty in the morning, Rubab was not at home. Initially, she thought Rubab had gone for a morning walk, but by 9 o'clock, when Rubab hadn't returned, she became worried and called Abraham.

As soon as Daneen called, Sunidhi, Anam, Dishaan, and Abraham rushed to Daneen's apartment.

Daneen, in tears, informed them that Rubab had not come home for a long time, causing everyone to worry. When Dishaan checked the CCTV camera in Daneen's apartment, it revealed an unknown man entering Rubab's room with the support of a pole.His face is blurred due to darkness of night hai camera focus.After a while, he carried Rubab out from the main gate, and she appeared unconscious in the video.

Rubab had been kidnapped, clearly visible on the CCTV footage.


In terrorist camp, Afghanistan-pakistan border.

At night,

Rubab lay unconscious on the bed, her hair scattered, tear stains on her face.

Someone with muffled footsteps approached the bed. Rubab was still unconscious.

The man slowly came closer, bending his knees, and began touching Rubab inappropriately.

He moved from her chest to her private parts. Due to heavy drugs, Rubab was still not conscious. Taha had injected her with drugs when she resisted going to the camp with him.

Slowly, he started unbuttoning her night suit that she had worn since last night. Before he could open more than one button, a strong punch hit his face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You scoundrel! How dare you hit me?" The man angrily said enraged, stood up.

Another powerful punch hit his face, causing blood to flow from his nose, and he groaned in pain.

Taha grabbed Rashid's collar in anger. "Stay away from Rubab; she belongs to me. I brought her here!" Taha shouted.

At that moment, Talib Rahman, who was like Taha's father, entered the room upon hearing the commotion. He questioned Taha angrily.

"What's happening, Taha?" he yelled.

"He touched My Rubab inappropriately. I will kill him!" Taha replied, hitting Rashid with another punch.

Talib watched in silence, torn between Rashid's mistake and Taha, who was like his son.

"Forgive me, Taha. I won't even raised eyes on her after today," Rashid said, in pain.

"I won't spare you," he shouted as Taha hit him again.

Talib intervened, telling Taha to stop. "Forgive him, Taha. "

"After today, I won't even look at her ever again. I apologize." Rashid said, with pain in his eyes, but Taha was determined.

"Sorry won't be enough for you. You won't live through this," Taha declared, delivering six fatal blows to Rashid.

"Clean up this mess, Rafiq," Talib ordered, and two men quickly took Rashid's body away.

Talib approached Taha, placing a hand on his shoulder. "This place is hell for girls, Taha. You might get tired of laying corpses, but people's desires won't end. If you really want to keep her safe, give her your name." Talib said, looking at Rubab, who lay uncons

cious, unaware of the world.

"Baba-jaan?" Taha asked in confusion.

*Marry this girl."


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