
Taha's POV

Sitting on the bed beside her, I stare at her beautiful face.

"Marry that girl," Baba-jaan's words are echoing in my head like a never-ending song.

No, I can't marry her. A sinner like me never deserves an angel like her. I don't even know her age. The only thing I know is she hates me because I took her here instead of her family.

I trace her pretty face with the back of my palm but regret it instantly because my touch makes her awake. It's midnight.

She stirs in her sleep, looks at me with heavy eyes.

As soon as her green orbs meet my sky-blue ones, my world stops. I can't let her go anywhere.

Okay, I may sound stupid, but there's something in her that pulls me towards her. I can't let anyone gaze at her, not alone touch her.

Looking into her eyes, I realize how brutally I killed Rashid because that bastard touched her inappropriately in her unconsciousness.And how roughly i beat ranvijay who try to...

We look at each other, which seems like an eternity, but then she sits on the bed, leaning her head against the headboard.

Her dry lips indicate that she is thirsty, so I grab a jug full of water and pour some into a glass, passing it to her.

She takes it immediately with trembling fingers and drinks the whole glass in one sip.

I ask her if she needs more water with my eyes, but she shakes her head.

The night suit she wore that night is still on her body. For my bad, that silk material makes her milky white body more beautiful, and her pebbles are peeking out because she didn't wear any inviting me to devour it .

I gulp hardly.

No, I accept that initially, I was interested in her body. I can call it lust, but it's not lust anymore because the way my blood boiled when I saw Ranvijay forcing himself on her and then Rashid touching her inappropriately in unconsciousness, my rage knows no limits. That anger and possessiveness make me realize it's not just physical attraction.

I've seen hundreds of women being forced in my line of work, but I never saved them or felt a single pinch of guilt. But with Rubab, I can't bear anyone's gaze at her. She is mine completely.

And if I want to keep her safe in this hell hole, then I will marry her without any second thought.

"Mr. Saviour..."

My inner turmoil halts, listening to her voice.

"Mr. Saviour..." she says again.

Hnn... I reply, trying not to sound rude, and her choice of words makes me regret. I am not her savior. I am a hypocrite bastard who first stole her from her family for money and then saved her for my own good.

"I am hungry," she says tiredly.

I nod without saying anything and leave to get her food.

Returning to the room, my heart aches not seeing her there.

I search for her like a madman in my room, calling her again and again. Worst things are coming to my mind.

But within some minutes, I hear her baby voice.


There she stands in the bathroom door, wearing my shirt and her night pants.

Wait, from where did she get my shirt? And why is she wearing my shirt? Then I realize she is wearing my shirt which I left in the bathroom in a hurry and came out wearing pants and forgot to wear it.

Her face is clear like crystal, and water droplets are falling from her face and hairline disappearing in my shirt. She looks like a sin, and I am a sinner.

I clear my throat to avoid uncomfortable silence because I am staring at her with my mouth open.

"I... I am sorry. I didn't want to wear it without asking, but my shirt got really dirty. I was not comfortable in that. Can you give me one of your smallest pants? I promise I will give it back before going home," she says hesitantly.

But her words erupt a fire in me. No, she is not going anywhere. I am going to marry her right now, so she will never talk about going back.

Controlling my rage, I put the plates of food on the table and walk to my wooden almirah to get small pants for her. Searching for good minutes, I take out a black pant and give it to her.

All the time, she is standing at the door, playing with her fingers while looking down at the floor.

She comes back wearing it, her hair now tied in a messy bun, the same as I saw the very first time at her home.

I have to ask her age and also want to tell her my name. So, I initiate the conversation.

"Well... my name is Taha, not Saviour," I say, looking at her eating.

Hearing me, she raises her eyes from food to me and gulps the food.

"But you saved me from being ra..." she is about to say, but I cut her words.

"But my name is Taha," I say in anger.

"O... sorry," she says again, focusing on her food.

"Well... Rubab, what's your age?" I ask out of nowhere.

She looks at me and then replies while eating her food.

"17... I will turn 18 in March."

Maybe she is thinking of me as her safe zone, that's why she is too calm. But my calmness turns into hurt.

"No... I am a 32-year-old bastard, and she is just a 17-year-old naive girl. No, Taha, marrying her is the most sinister thing. You can't taint her innocence," my mind roars.

"You are a sinner," my heart roars harder.

"Yes, I am a sinner, and I am going to marry her at any cost."

Rubab's pov

"When I regained consciousness, my eyes met those of the blue-eyed person who had dragged me here. Somehow, I am grateful that he saved me from that animal. I can't even imagine what would have happened if he hadn't come in time; that animal would have...

I know why they kidnapped me. Before succumbing to unconsciousness, I overheard them talking about British residency and blackmailing Daneen Phupo. I think they are some of Phupho's enemies.

After some good minutes, I called him, but I didn't know his name. So, I called him 'Saviour' because today he saved me from being ruined, saved me from being taken without my consent, and I am grateful for that.

But why did he drag me here instead of sending me back home? Oh... how could I forget? He saved me from that animal; he was present there. Does that mean he is also Phupho's enemy? Allah Allah... Rubab.

I have to pretend that we are on good terms; otherwise, he will blackmail Phupho. But wait, Rubab, you are Abraham Ahmad's niece. You don't have to worry; just have patience. Allah will help you.

Out of nowhere, I asked him for food, and to my great surprise, he immediately got up to get me some. Engrossed in my thoughts, I realized that I had been wearing the same dress for the past day, and it stank due to sweat and dust, maybe. So, I stood up from the bed and made up my mind to take a quick bath. But then I realized I didn't have any clothes. Plus, if I washed my hair this late, I might catch a cold, so I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, legs, and face. To my luck, I found a black shirt hanging on the wall. I grabbed it and wore it.

After coming back, I saw him and asked him for pants, which he gave me without uttering a single word. I wore them and started eating like a starved animal because I was starving. He asked me some random questions, to which I replied. I also got to know his name. His name is Taha.

I finished my food and got up to dispose of the plate. God, why is he staring at me like I am some kind of alien? Coming back to my senses, I hesitated to sleep in the same room as him.

Maybe he understood my hesitation, but his next words turned my world upside down.

''Don't worry; early morning we will get Nikahfied. So for now, I will sleep in the hall."


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"With a mind full of imagination, I share my stories freely, unburdened by expectations. Having found men in my life to be disappointing, I now reserve my love for fictional characters, unencumbered by the disappointments of reality."

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